Living with nature in Idaho. A week of so ago,  while we were in the Wood River valley, we took a little trip up Warm Springs canyon.  There were five different  avalanches last winter and they had crossed the road in several locations.   A couple of houses had been  moved down the hill along with all the trees.  After going as far as we could go   we decided to take  the scenic way home driving   thru Croy Canyon.  It is the back way from Hailey to Fairfield.  In all the years that I have lived here I have yet to experienced the Camas Lilies in bloom.  By the time I think of driving to Fairfield to see them it is past their blooming season.  To my surprise at the top of the mountains we were crossing that day their were a few meadows left. So I waded through the marshes which apparently is where they like to grow and got these great shots. All and all it was a wonderful day!  Of course stopping at the snack shack in Fairfield and consuming a peanut butter milkshake was the icing on the cake.   Yesterday we took a short trip to Magic Resevoir Dam to see the overflow coming out.  It was spectacular as you can see by the pictures. Where I was standing to take this  picture, I could feel the spray from that big dome. Lastly as we were driving through the desert coming home there were alot of milk weed blooming.  I just learned last year that the milk weed leaves is where the monarch butterflies lay their larve.  I can remember as a kid picking the blooms and blowing them in the wind, it was awesome.  Well back to planning out my next art studio creation….Karen