Sunday photo shoot – lots of inspiration!

Sunday photo shoot – lots of inspiration! This morning while drinking my coffee in the sunroom I spied some great stuff out in the yard. Love all the pollen in this shot. This was a cool one too. I believe he is on a monarda bloom. After fifteen years It’s...

Summer Entertainment – My Facebook groups

Summer entertainment – My Facebook groups. One of the things that helps me relax in between my artwork, yardwork and taking care of my hubby is a few Facebook groups that I have joined. They are inspirational, make me laugh and sometimes cause some deep thought....

New buttons in the studio – Old and new designs

Lately I have been working on new ideas for buttons. Making buttons from some of my fabric painting projects seemed like a good place to start. Meantime one of quilters from the Gooding quilt guild asked if I could make a two inch flower button for her rope basket. I...

Glorious Summertime-Mother nature at work

Glorious Summertime-Mother nature at work. The other day Ray and I stopped at a street lined with wild sunflower plants. As I got out of the truck I spied this cool monarch butterfly feeding on a sunflower bloom. I was so excited when this shot appeared on my phone...