Summer entertainment – My Facebook groups. One of the things that helps me relax in between my artwork, yardwork and taking care of my hubby is a few Facebook groups that I have joined. They are inspirational, make me laugh and sometimes cause some deep thought.

Christmas year round – group

I started following this group last summer while working on a few Christmas projects. Who wouldn’t want to look at these very cool pictures in 100-degree temperatures we are experiencing right now? A lot of wonderful winter scenes and of course Santa and Christmas decorations from around the world.

French Country, Cottage & Farmhouse-group

My niece Amber, in Seattle, got me hooked on this group. Lovely decorating ideas for all of us country girls. Of course, I dream about decorating like this until I remember that Jet, the dog, is black and sheds everywhere. LOL

The Mandalorian – group

I have been a big Star Wars/Star Trek fan since It first came on the scene. My mom and dad worked at North American aviation in Downey, California on the first Apollo space ship. They were in the research and development dept. So it is in my DNA to love this stuff. The Mandalorian helped me escape while going though some rough times last year. This group is impressive in the fact that so many people all over the world love this show and create art around it. A lot of visual fun. Can’t wait for the next season to be released.

The View From My Window- group

This is my newest group on my list of regulars. I just found it last week and am enjoying it immensely. People from all over the planet are posting their views from their windows. I like the fact that we are all so similar in how we create our own personal environment. I love the ones taken from RV windows while they drive.

Of course I have several art quilt groups that I follow but these are my favorites for the moment. Check these guys out if you are a Facebook lurker.
