Good Morning and Happy Easter!

Good Morning and Happy Easter!- I was thinking this morning what are my memories of Easter past?  Mostly they are  filled with Easter dresses, hats, eggs and of course chocolate.  When my kids were younger it was kites.  They would get them in their Easter baskets. ...

Karen’s Rock Mania-Idaho special….

Karen’s Rock Mania- Idaho special….Yesterday evening Ray and I took Jet the dog for a run.  Because he runs for at least a quarter mile in all directions when he first jumps out of the truck, it is better if there is no other living thing around.  We...

Life on the river-an inspirational panorama….

Life on the river-an inspirational panorama…Yesterday was a busy day around the house and yard.  The first hour our or so the river was very active with lots of visitors.  Here are some pictures of who showed up.  These shots are from the internet because I...

My Art Studio- 525 square feet of fun!

My  Art Studio – 525 square feet of fun!  It  has been almost a week now since Karen’s Place has been on lock down.  In that time I worked around the house, in the garden and just plain did nothing for a while.  Now I am back in the art studio getting...