What to do next?

This morning I got up to a balmy 20 degree weather and dense fog.  Or in our case we call this  low clouds.  I might as well be at the beach on the coast.  Went out to the art studio and started quilting on my self portrait quilt.  A lot of space to fill in with...

Work for the day…

I am so excited because today there are a couple of new projects going on in my art studio.  A couple of days ago I was having a real creative block and could not figure out how to put the border on my new art quilt called “A Snapshot of My World-Living in a...

Summer Yellow in Blue

Just got another art quilt completed.  This one is going to be in our local art show “Lincoln County Artist Showcase” sponsored by the Lincoln County Historical Society.  It will be held in Shoshone Masonic hall home of Historical Society Museum, February...

It’s all about inspiration:

Well it is only 5 degrees out this morning and a good time to stay inside.  Since my creative clock is always ticking what is an art person to do…..I am working on a new art quilt that is like a self portrait and I am to the borders and the fine tuning and for...