Idaho Birds-Part 2

“Idaho Birds” all painted “Idaho Birds”-Part 2. Last March I started to design this art quilt. I did a blog post called “Idaho Birds-Part 1”. You can find that post in the March 2021 archives. It covers how I was viewing this art...

“Trumpets in the City”

Trumpet Flower Tree- 16″ x 26″ Watercolors on fabric, Machine Quilted “Trumpets in the City”, my new art creation! Several years ago I was visiting my kids in the San Francisco area. They surprised me with tickets to the Oakland A’s...

Congratulations we made it to 2022!

“Oh Beautiful Idaho” Congratulations we made it to 2022! It is cold here by the river this morning, Our temperature is about 10 degrees at the moment. Even Jet the dog, isn’t running outside every few minutes trying to catch those birds and...