Malad Park

Malad Park-This weeks picture taking trip for future art projects was to Malad Park. It is down in the snake river gorge area.  The weather was cool and  wonderful at 9:30 am.  We went very early so Jet the dog could come and play in the water.  Pictures of water with...

Fiber Wednesday

Fiber Wednesday-Starting Wednesday August 1st you will start getting a new series of posts.  The new series will be called “Fiber Wednesday”.   As you know my creative ideas come from a lot of different experiences in my life.  Sometimes it is a book or...

This week we took a day trip to wood river valley

This week we took a day trip to the wood river valley.  It was my husbands idea to get me out of the art studio and just plain relax. So here we are traveling up the road with my two guys Ray & Jet.  As you know I lived in the wood river area for several years and...

This has been a busy week at the art studio!

This has been a busy week at the art studio!  I thought I would show you a few of the projects that were on my to do list.  By the way while driving home from the shop this afternoon my car temp registered 101 degrees and when I got home my outdoor thermometer read 80...