Wow what a great day to wake up to

Wow what a great day to wake up to.  The snow on the river is nothing less than spectacular.  Here are some pictures I took this morning before heading for the art studio and you will notice one is of Newfy our dog who is in love with the snow.  She will sit out there...

Taking inspirational pictures

Taking inspirational pictures was my Easter present this year.  It was the best day because I got to see a lot of impressive scenery.  One thing I can say about living in Idaho is that each season is filled with a lot of inspiration.  Spring always brings new growth...

I am back from my trip

Well I am back from my trip to the bay area.  For the most part the weather was great and I even got to wear my shorts for a few days. One of my grandsons wants to be a baker so he made this cake while I was at his house. One of the other grandsons wanted to go to the...

Attracted to a lot of sunset colors

 I was looking at pictures on the internet this morning and I seem to be attracted to a lot of  sunset colors.  Those rich pinks and yellows and sometimes purple-pink displays rolling across the sky are awesome.  Here is a picture I took of a sunset last winter and...

New art quilt projects at the art studio

Just before I left on my trip I was taking pictures of new art quilt projects at the art studio. Some were finished art quilts and also art works in progress.  Like a lot of artists and quilters it is easier for me to have several art projects going so when I get...