Cool fall stuff in the yard-

Cool fall stuff in the yard- When I took the trash out this morning there was this awesome spider web hanging out by the trash can. It looked something like gause or lace made by nature. Here are two more shots. look at the incredible water pattern on this web. Nature...

New Art Work- A year of creating!

New Art Work- A year of creating! Last Thursday I presented my new collection of art quilts at our local quilt guild. I believe it went well. About 35 ladies attended and it was a mixture of new and old guild members. Pat Dailey and Deanna Steel helped me hang each...

Fall-My Time of the Year!

Fall-My time of the Year! This has been the weirdest weather this year. It has been so cool at night that my tiny garden is struggling to produce. My little pocket garden only has two cherry tomato plants and a zucchini and a yellow crook neck. So far I have only...