Kid’s Art Camp class – session one

Kid’s Art Camp class – session one.  Now you would assume that it would be predomintly kids attending this kids art camp class but as it worked out because of circumstances beyond our control, we had three adults and one child attend.  Who would of thought...

You should see my art studio at the moment….

You should see my art studio at the moment, it looks like a bomb went off.  There is literally a different project on each table.  And as you know there is a lot of tables in the classroom.   Right now I have three art quilts being born in my art studio.  One of them...

Another Desert Sage Quilt Show in the wraps!!!

Another Desert Sage Quilt Show in the wraps!!! Just wanted to post a few pictures that I took while checking in my quilts and then attending the show the following day.  As you know the quilt show has been held at the filer fairgrounds for quite a few years so I...

This sure was a busy week at the art studio!

This sure has been a busy week at the art studio!  Last Tuesday at the Block of the month class  Pat picked up my large wall hanging for the “Days Gone By” display at the Desert Sage Quilt show. The quilt show is on April 12th and 13th at the Twin Falls...

Painted Ladies another fantastic art day

The first saturday of the month is our “Painted Ladies” group class.  They have been painting for almost three years on their regular day.  When they first started they were pretty nervous but excited about learning the fabric painting process.  I am so...