Where is Spring? This morning I decided to see if anything green was growing in the yard. My Journey took me out to the garden. Along the way I spied this wonderful feather laying along the driveway. I thought it was very cool. Alas, the only green thing so far, in the yard were these Iris. Even my plants have decided to hide there heads till it is warmer.

Waiting for spring can be a long process so I decided to paint another art quilt about Emma’s world.

Here Emma is riding her bike to the local farmer’s market. The apple and cherry trees are in bloom and it is a glorious day! Don’t you think my fence turned out very woody looking? Emma has a busy schedule keeping up with all the chores of the Inn.
There is still one more Emma design in the works. She is out taking care of her vineyards. It takes a lot of wine to satisfy her customers at the Cottage Farm Inn. Lol

This is just a rough outline and there will be lots of other wonderful grapes and wine stuff as this design evolves. I am not sure what season this is so I will have to do some research to what colors represent the beginning of summer. I will paint her first and then maybe the background will tell which season.
It is now around the fifteenth of the month and we have quite a few names in for the next prize.

So get your reply’s going ladies……Karen
I love Emma!
Exciting to see your green in the yard. We must both be thrilled to not be shoveling snow. As I inspected my yard as I raked on Sat. It was thrilled to see the tips of tulips peeking up from the ground. Hope your gardens are quick to see more green pushing up..
I enjoyed some time outside this weekend as well. I turned my compost piles, they smell so good to me. Is that weird?
I love seeing Emma doing all the things I like to do! I’m a fan~~
Yes, the fence looks very real, but I am so impressed with Emma’s Bike! The detail with the spokes and the tires are awesome. I really enjoy following Emma’s Adventures! thank You for sharing. Kathleen
This a cool design wish I could draw like that. Kathy Adamson
Hi Kathy, I looked and all of your reply’s went through except this last one for sky fetish. All those reply’s are in the box for the next drawing. K
Love watching Emma evolve. Waiting for green anywhere in the yard or the neighbors yard lol
My yellow crocus are blooming. Tulips and daffodils are popping through the soil. Spring is just around the corner.
I love Emma and her routine, and today she is going to the Farmer’s Market. Looking forward to her next adventure.
It will be fun to watch Emma’s journey. Wonderful “story line”
I love this series!! I have a friend visiting from Colorado and showed her all your beautiful quilts!!Was fun looking back at all you have done!
Seems I have been reading these posts in reverse. Oh well… it’s all good. Fun to see what Emma is going next!