This morning I got up to a balmy 20 degree weather and dense fog.  Or in our case we call this  low clouds.  I might as well be at the beach on the coast.  Went out to the art studio and started quilting on my self portrait quilt.  A lot of space to fill in with meaningful stuff.  This weekend I drew in some of the designs with a fusion pen that would be erased later with the iron.  What a great tool.  So some of the designs I drew was a tape measure winding in the background, random quilt blocks that would be outlined and some written thoughts.  This project is divided between two quadrants.  The art quilt side and the traditional quilt side.  Because it is a self portrait I want to get across the balance these two styles play out in my art life.  So on the art side I wrote things about freedom, impact, inspiration.  The traditional side the words describe structure, 1/4 inch seams, match all your points and of course seam ripper.  I have the about one fourth of it quilted and am excited about the impact of the words on this quilt.  Sometimes it is very hard to write down how you really feel about things but alas this is a self portrait and that means looking at myself and taking account of how I tick and coming to an understanding of that. I have to admit this is really stretching me but also so exciting to see this design come together.  You take a lot of risks creating as you go but the ultimate goal is to convey something.  Something that others will be inspired by and provoke a lot of thought.  A deeper meaning so to speak.  Enough about that.  I  am itching to get into the studio and finish the quilting………