Today I am writing from my easy chair here at home. I realized that one of the reasons my blog posts have been hit or miss is because writing at the art studio has alot of pitfalls. Mainly because there is just a few more distractions and interuptions through the day then I realized and then pretty soon it is 5pm and time to go home. About two years ago my husband and I made a decision not to have internet at home for good reason because we both tend to be work aholics…or in my case a artaholic. But recently it became apparent that somethings are done better in my easy chair at home so decided to get a tablet that has data that will work at home. I will use my previous tablet for our permanent square register in the shop. I got a great deal at Cosco through Verizon. Only $30 a month for a new tablet plus 2 gigs. So this is my maiden voyage using my new toy. It took me two hours and 2 you tube tutorials to get my wireless keyboard to connect and then and then log into this blog but it is going to be worth it. It was really stretching myself to do all this techy stuff and now I am more proud then frustrated getting it all to work. Meantime in the shop we are having alot of fun planning our classes and then putting them on. My friend Pat is doing the block of the month and we have met for the last two months with roughly ten people in attendence. It is shaping into a great group of ladies all at different stages of their quilt journey. It is so popular Pat is going to organize a second group soon. Tomorrow will be my second fabric painting class and it is full with a waiting list. My plan is to offer a once a month group to meet and paint using different techniques then eventually make a quilt out of them. Meantime I am still getting samples ready for the trunk show and classes that I will be giving on Vashion Island outside of Seattle on November 15th. It has been a real balancing act but it is also fun planning out the different projects for the trunk show. It is hard not getting distracted with other plans involving Karen’s Place and stick to just be creative. Well it looks like I need to practice downloading my pictures using my new piece of equipment so here is a picture from a previous post…Will let you know how our painting class goes tomorrow with hopefully pictures of the happy students…K