You should see my art studio at the moment, it looks like a bomb went off. There is literally a different project on each table. And as you know there is a lot of tables in the classroom. Right now I have three art quilts being born in my art studio. One of them is called “The Promise”. I started this quilt about three years ago and painted everything but the sky. Then my dog “Newfy” passed away suddenly and as you can see she is sitting next to me on the rocks. It went in the unfinished painted quilt tops bin in the art studio.
This spring I came upon it again while looking for another art project in the bin. I added the sky and some more rocks in the front and felt it was ready to quilt. While that quilt is incubating on the design wall, quilt number two got its start. It is titled “Leroy’s yard” (more about that in another post).
Several years ago fairies appeared in a lot of my art designs. Usually they were painted , quilted and then beaded. One of the fairy quilts went to my friends from India. They took it home for their kids room. In the back of my mind there are a few more new fairy designs swirling around in my creative gene pool. This quilt is going to be different because it will have a lot of three dimentional items attached to it. Some of them will be wired. So far in its developing process and it has changed focus at least four times. But hey that is how we get to the final art piece isn’t it? My third piece was started on Saturday after going to the quilt show. One of the quilts had a peacock as part of the design and it brought back to me a very old memory of mine. Many, many, years ago my mom sold Tri-Chem paints. I believe it was around 1975. If you don’t know about them they were paints in a tube that had to be cleaned up with oil paint thinner, very smelly.
Here is a set just like my mom’s. The paint kept clogging up the ball point tip that you applied paint with and I remember my mom being very adept at changing out those tips. Anyway the Tri-Chem company put out a lot of printed designs to make as samples and one of them was a 18″ x 24″ peacock on black pellon. My mom painted one as a sample for her kit and it was pretty spectacular. Wonderful rich colors and a lot of glitter paint outlining everything. So I jumped in and have started this quilt.
Right now it is painted in two different pieces that will be joined later on some sort of background. As I am writing this post it might just become an ode to my mom wen it is finished. Lastly I hope you are all sitting by the fire today with your cup of tea right next to you while its stormy out and hopefully dreaming up some more art projects…..