Just got another art quilt completed. This one is going to be in our local art show “Lincoln County Artist Showcase” sponsored by the Lincoln County Historical Society. It will be held in Shoshone Masonic hall home of Historical Society Museum, February 23 & 24 from 10:00 – 5:00pm on Saturday and 10:00 – 4:00 on Sunday. This year is their second annual show. Last year they had over 90 art exhibits from local artists. Salli Hubbs is the brain storm behind this show and is very passionate about supporting local arts. She also is the woman behind the quilt show held during the Lincoln County Arts N The Park show held in Shoshone in July. Salli is owner of the Back Porch Fabrics located just north of Shoshone. The one thing I can say about Salli is that she is a very dynamic woman that makes things happen. My art quilt entry called “Summer Yellow in Blue” will be included along with some of my husbands awesome photographs. This is going to be a great event so make sure you post it on your calendar, it will certainly enrich you……
Thanks!! Great job. I can’t wait to see yours and