There is something about Fall….Glorious Colors! Last Saturday morning, the day of the big wind storm, I walked out to my car and it looked and felt like I was in a rain forest
It had rained the night before and the ground and air were very wet. Our trees here at the house were almost black with moisture which made the leaves very luminous in the morning light.
The air was heavy with all the moisture coming off the river.
This has been a strange weather year and for some reason about a month ago one of our maple trees turned brown and literally seemed to go to sleep. The apple tree next to it actually kept its fruit for the first time in 12 years. Usually the squirrels knock them off the tree early in the growing season. I was able to collect them and save some apple juice for future projects.
Here are some of the wonderful fall pictures I collected here at home and around town. I always love the diversity of the leaves shapes, colors and sizes. I hope these pictures inspire you in your art journey. Enjoy!