My kind of morning- dreaming of art quilts. My husband printed off this sign for me yesterday and I love it. There is nothing more fantastic than your coffee, the computer, avocado on a bagel, and thoughts of a new art quilt. All is right with the world. That is not two cups of coffee in the picture. One is water that I am disguising as coffee. LOL. My mom could drink coffee all day long and not be affected by the caffeine. But alas, I didn’t inherit that trait. More than one tall one in the am and I get the shakes.

My hubby and Jet the dog, are still snoozing so I can wander around the house without any interruptions. Similar to when the kids were young and slept in. I would savor every moment of that solitude. Those were blessed moments.

Another great day in the sunroom. All warm and cozy.

It was a bit nippy outside when I took this shot. Of course, when you take pictures in a big tee shirt outside in the morning it would be cold. It looks so serene in the morning. Yesterday two Canadian geese and three Morganza ducks swam by. The geese were busy honking at them and each other. Apparently they didn’t want to share. All the while Jet the dog was trying to figure out how to chase them. Quite the floor show at 8:00 am.

Here are my new flowers waiting for their new home. This week Pat came over and helped me rake out the leaves from the overgrown garden area. It has been neglected for five years while I hung out with all of you at Karen’s Place. It is a big project. Pat came and sprayed some of the weeds and then came back and gave me a tutorial on how to use my new weed sprayer. What a great gift to have a master gardener as a friend. Her advise I think we should just level it all and start over. I agreed.
This is the last post for this month’s “Reply to posts” contest. So far there are over 50 responses and counting. I want to thank everyone for participating and we will start a new contest tomorrow.
I love quiet mornings with the sun shining in and the animals all snuggled up on my lap. AND of course, that cup of coffee!!
I am glad to hear Pat is doing fine also, happy Gardening.
I’m working on my salsa garden is tilled and ready to plant. Peppers and tomatoes will wait but peas are going in the ground. I have sprayed the burr buttercup. Spring has started!
Love your sunroom
Love the view from your sunroom…looks peaceful…
You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place,
The sun room looks wonderful. I have never been successful keeping geraniums inside over the winter. You have the perfect place for them.
Mornings, sunshine, and coffee. Where you live gives you great inspiration for a new cozy quilt!