March thaw on the river. It was beautiful this morning. I love it when the sun shines through the trees and creates all those shadows.
On another note it seems like a whole lifetime has happened since the first of January. First off I would like to thank all the posts regarding my daughters passing. As usual my quilting buddies have been so supportive and I am so blessed to have you! I have saved all of your post reply’s on my site and will not be publishing them to the public. That way they are just mine to reminisce with.
A couple of weeks ago, I knew it was time to go back to the art studio and start creating again. I would like to share with you my new art quilt creations.

A couple of years ago my sister Kathy and I started a store on Etsy. It is called “CottageFarmStore”. It is important that you capitalize the C,F, S. Make sure it is all one word when you type it into Etsy. We have both been posting items to sell and have figured out how we can both manage it. My sister is a book enthusiast and you will see on the site her wonderful collection of old books. My other friend KT sells her bags and other hand made stuff. You probably recognize her from Karen’s Place.

Right now I am posting small items. Some of these are from all those painted ladies blocks we did the last few years. I finally got around to finishing these great art quilts. I call them my smalls because they are only 12″ X 12″.
We decided to get more serious about our site a couple of weeks ago. A new look was in order, and we choose the cottage-farm theme. First I painted the logo or thumbnail in the right corner. And Emma appeared! I had drawn her face in one of my sketch books about 3 years ago. Lacking confidence it was one of those someday designs.

Here is what I came up with, The cottage farm girl.

Now I am designing the “Cottage Farm Inn” because my sister wanted her to be pictured in all seasons. Of course she needed a place to live. This new art quilt will be around 12″ X 24″ when finished. This will be spring of course!

She has literally taken over my art studio. It takes a lot of resizing to get everything in perspective. My poor husband is getting tired of me asking “Is she the right size in the picture?” I can’t wait to paint her with those cute flowered gloves. I am thinking the truck will be turquoise. What do you think?
Here are my latest smalls collection.

Thank you again for all your support, and Kathleen, I loved your post card with the hand painted red bird. Check out the Etsy site “CottageFarmStore” when you have a chance and I will keep you posted with pictures of Emma’s progress…..Enjoy
PS…The blog posting contest is on again! I will be drawing on March 3rd for our first winner. All blog post reply’s from today till April 1st will count for the April winner. Good Luck!
I so enjoyed visiting with you today. Love Emma and the wonderful connection she gives you to your sweet daughter Julie.
Keep creating and bless you.
I also enjoyed our visit.
As always, I love your creative work. The “Smalls” are awesome. I have to admit that the bird/birdhouses is among my favorites. That is my spring theme for the house!
Thanks who your are Debbie
Karen, I had no idea that your daughter passed. My prayers for you and family. I loss the month of January due to all 6 of us getting Covid. Now that I can get outside life is much better. And my grandson will be 2 on March 25. Can’t wait to get out in the cottage and garden.
Hi Stephanie, it has been quite the year so far, and I agree can’t wait to get outside for more than an hour.
I love what you have been doing Karen! I love Emma, and I am going to check out your Etsy shop…💕
Thanks, Elaine look forward to seeing you again
I really enjoyed your most recent Post! What a delight to see these beautiful images!
I will check out etsy! It will be fun to follow Emma’s Journey! Thanks for posting! kathleen
Thanks, Kathleen
Love the cottage farm inn designs! You so inspire me
Thanks Laurie, hopefully I will be painted it today!
Hello Karen, I love what you are doing!! keep on inspiring me to try new things.
Thinking of you and your family with love and prayers
Thanks Sheri
I like the bird house small best. They all are good but then you are super talented lady
Karen: You have an amazing talent, Keep up the good work, Best wishes, Dorothy Morris
I love your Emma drawings. I didn’t realize you had an Etsy Shop. I will check it out. Thinking of you…❤️
I love the Emma drawings. The birdhouse is the best! Thinking of you and yours in this time of loss and mourning. Keep on creating!!
Thanks Belinda