Malad Park-This weeks picture taking trip for future art projects was to Malad Park. It is down in the snake river gorge area. The weather was cool and wonderful at 9:30 am. We went very early so Jet the dog could come and play in the water. Pictures of water with rocks seem to catch my attention on a regular basis. This shot of the rock bank with the plants and water is a great example of texture in nature.
The snake river has it’s own sense of beauty and was running by us pretty fast today. Luckily we were tucked back in a little cove next to the Idaho power station.
Next was a quick stop at a awesome rock building just up from the park. Another facination of mine is rocks, buildings, rock fences, paths ect. My natural father was a rock hound when I was very young. He would take us kids out in the desert on frequent trips. I can remember on one of these trips, we had two turtles that we had found. These turtles were about 12″ in diameter My sister, brother and I were giggling in the back seat as my dad drove us home while we were trying to hold the turtles on our laps.
Anyway this rock house has so much going on. Who ever built it was a true artist. Notice how many different types of rock and colors he incorporated in the structure.
I particularly liked how the window rocks were almost like stained glass.
Here is a shot of a very old set of cement steps. It would be great in a garden scene going from on level to another. Lastly on the road to Hagerman was this onion field which is a rare find amongst the hay, corn and sugar beet fields around here.
Usually you see them in western Idaho on the way to Weiser. This trip to Malad Park reminded me of how diverse Idaho is and so glad I live here.