Life on the river-an inspirational panorama…Yesterday was a busy day around the house and yard. The first hour our or so the river was very active with lots of visitors. Here are some pictures of who showed up. These shots are from the internet because I couldn’t get a clear shot with my own camera. Just about every morning two mallard ducks stroll by followed by the wood ducks
and then the mergansers usually trail behind the rest of the flock.
Well after this beautiful floor show, I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous weather outside and spent about three hours weeding my garden boxes. No small feat at the moment. A couple of weeks ago we built a new box just south of our other boxes and are planning to building a couple of more.
My friend Pat let me have some of her great soil to fill that box. This first one looks like it is on steroids. I might have to tone the next ones down a little. The rest of the old boxes are completely overgrown since I really haven’t worked on them for three years (thanks to those bionic knees!). Anyway my plan is to dig them up in between rain storms. So far I have three of them done and have four to go. Looks like the soil is in fantastic shape. All those grass roots keep it nice and light and and I found a lot of worms. It will be worth it in the end.
Meanwhile some of my plants are incubating inside of the green house. I started them a couple of weeks ago using a box draped with plastic in the greenhouse.
As you can see it is nice and toasty this morning, a balmy 68 degrees inside.
During my rest periods from the garden, I spend time researching fiber art blogs on the internet. I found a couple on Facebook that I joined. “Textile Fine Art” group and “Fiber Arts/Mixed Media” group. Both of them are very informational and inspirational. Check them out when you have a moment. Lastly we had a fantastic rainstorm around 4:00 pm and I watched it from my sun room easy chair. Actually it is my husband Rays chair he got for his birthday last week. It was raining so hard the top of the river looked like it was a boiling pot of water. Soon a sand hill crane
landed underneath some branches to shelter and then a great horned owl flew in front of my window and landed in the tree above our house.
It was fantastic! Another great day included in my stay-cation at home….