A day in the life of a compulsive art person. My day started by my husband dragging me out of bed very early to go get a cup of coffee. On the way we saw the most beautiful sunrise.
Of course it took about 20 minutes longer than usual because I made him stop every mile or so to take a picture. 30 pictures later we finally arrived to get our much needed cup of joe. Next stop was shopping for groceries which is one of my all time least favorite things to do. Finally after getting all the important stuff done it was time to hang out in the art studio. A few days ago I purchased a new television for the art studio to watch art tutorials. When I am challenged about which direction to go regarding my current art project it is nice to be able to go to the masters (Youtube) to watch their tutorials. You can find almost any subject matter on earth to on Youtube. They are a great source for anything from quilting to artwork to sculpting. Along those lines I thought you would like to see what my art studio looks like, my creative space.
My new tv is much bigger than I anticipated so I had to do a little rearranging to get it in the right place, and it turned out better than I expected. One of my favorite things in my art studio is the large design wall. It is covered with current project designs and future designs right now. My goal at the moment is learning how to draw better perspective in my art pictures, so after watching a couple of classes on YouTube, I was happier with the my current design featuring a truck and airstream heading down the road to nowhere. My first attempt drawing the mountains (blue sky & mountains) ended up way out of proportion so I put it aside and drew the second version which I believe will work much better. There is always a lot of trial and error in developing a new design concept. Getting things in proportion to each other takes a lot of thought and visual perception. Most people aren’t born with this talent so the rest of us get to learn and practice perspective over and over again. Fortunately for me my husband is great at perspective and he is my go to when after trying to draw something out several times, he usually can tell me which part isn’t right. Anyway as you will notice in the pictures of my creative space I have a lot of visual stuff to look at on the walls.
Obviously I am not a neat freak here a little bit of chaos around me is more my style. Some people would call it organized chaos. Almost every item in my studio right now has a heart connection to it.
The cabinets that make up my sewing station are from one of my sisters barns which were there when she bought the house. The rolling bins all lined up are from another artist that has since passed away and her husband was so thrilled that they went to another art studio.
My ironing board was a gift when I was 18 years old, it has been in all of my sewing room through the years. The large work table I originally built 10 years ago and has been rebuilt several times for each new art room and the most recent rebuild included large casters so it can be wheeled all over the place. I have one tall white bin with drawers that my mom gave me when she first lost her eye sight. (Thanks MOM) It rolls too which is very handy. Most of my art supplies are stored in there.
My first sewing machine that my mom got me when I was five sits on a shelf above my current sewing machine. No wonder I feel so contented here. It must be all the history…enough already about my special stuff. We all have it and I want to challenge you to go to your creative space and see if you can identify your personal history there and if don’t have any then put some in there. Let me know if you feel more contented…..Karen