It’s June and my garden is in full glory. With all the rain we had it looks like I am living on the coast instead of in the desert. Here are pictures of some of my roses blowing in the wind this morning. This iris always knocks my socks off it is so spectacular.
One of my pride and joys is this 13 year old honeysuckle bush outside my back door.
The hummingbirds fight for airspace around it. Yesterday my son and grandaughter were visiting from Seattle. Lily who is four went out to the garden to help me pick strawberries. These run amuck strawberries have taken over and literally you have to walk through them to get the berries. So I went wading first and Lily was following me and all of a sudden she asked “Grandma are these suppose to tickle”. Needless to say she didn’t get very far. I was laughing so hard I almost fell over. She decided to just hold the bowl as I picked. So precious! Back in the studio I am working on some denim jackets. Many years ago I hand painted jackets and sold them at art shows. They were a big success and I enjoyed creating the designs especially flowers. Here is a denim shirt that I painted for myself and still wear it in the fall.
In August we will host a class called “How to embellish a denim jacket”. Painting them will be one of the many methods you will learn to do in this class. And no you don’t have to know how to draw to create beautiful designs. So stay tuned to more jacket designs using cool stuff to decorate them. Here is a picture of my current painted jacket.
I love how it came out don’t you!