It’s Fall….my yard is spectacular. This morning when I trekked out to the she shed here is what I found waiting for me. So Jet the dog, and I decided to capture some of this fall wonderfulness. It has been a while since the sky has been blue. Somehow I got this beautiful shot up the river. This time of the year the colors are constantly changing each day. I have been watching the leaves rain down all over the place. The river is down right now and as you look across at the bank, you can see a blanket of leaves accumulating on the mud. It is nature at one of its most random moments.

Here is the old truck in my garden area. The large bushes behind it makes a great back drop for its rusty frame. Notice just at the end of the truck is my birdhouse post. It’s lost most of it’s birdhouses but it will be one of the first things I will work on in the next few weeks. When Pat came over to pick up some things yesterday we both studied the garden area. She always gives me a fresh perspective on the direction of this space. She helped me get very excited to start working out there again.

This picture is of the last honeysuckle blossom on my 12 foot high bush, just outside my back door. The last of the food for the hummingbirds and monarch butterflies.

I know this is like a weed vine but I let it grow on the arbor with the silver lace vine, because it turns this great orange color in the fall. Here is another shot of the leaves on the back of the arbor.

Here is another great red color for your painting pleasure. This one is the leaves from a Virginia creeper.

I am fascinated with decaying anything, people (lol), leaves, and wood burrows just to name a few. This is a decaying hollyhock leaf. My hollyhocks didn’t grow very well. Usually they are six feet tall and loaded with blossoms. This year they are twenty four inches tall and no blossoms. Very weird….

Lastly I am getting the she shed ready for fall. So far there has been two visitors and hope to have more, so I hung the welcome sign out for you all!

It’s still a magical place but in a different location……K