As some of you know I have lots of family living in the Seattle area. My children and nephew live in and around Seattle proper and my two sisters and their kids live on Whitby Island. One of my sisters just purchased an older mobile home that needed alot of TLC so I came up to be part remodeler and part interior decorator. We worked for a whole week to make her new little bungalow a cozy nest for her and Rumor the dog and Abbie the cat. It has been alot of fun. I am now in Seattle until Sunday to hang out with grown kids and going to soccer and hockey practice with the grandkids.
When I left Idaho my plants were just starting to show fall colors so I thought I would show some of them to you. I love fall and particularly the reds and deep golds. It is amazing that most of the fall colors, even if it is a different species go together. If you are looking for a vibrant quilt to make this fall try choosing the colors in your yard using green and brown as your accent colors.
As you can see in these pictures that even the pink flowers with the orange butterfly will fit in with deep orange sumac leaf. Here in Seattle the fall colors haven’t appeared yet. They are still having mild temperatures so everything is still blooming. I saw someone picking blackberries from the wild bushes along the roads the other day. Back home we are getting ready to button up for winter by cutting back our perenials and planting those beautiful bulbs for next spring, while my daughters rosemary bush here in Seattle is three feet tall and three feet wide and still producing. I find that I am alot more creative in the wintertime.
Discussing this with another of my artist fanatics who was the same way we decided that in our part of Idaho where the plants turn brown or are covered in snow in the wintertime that we miss the summer colors so much that we create them all winter long. Usually until the first spring flowers show up. Isn’t it funny that she grew up in Seattle and I in southern California were things are green all year long.
I guess you take your roots with you wherever you live. So I am challenging you to walk out into your yard and take pictures of your fall colors and make an art project with them. I have two sugar maple trees in my yard and they make the most beautiful browns, blacks, orange and reds.
Just one or two of the leaves from the maple would be a complete color combo for a spectacular quilt. Let me know if you have ever made a quilt from the colors of a leaves? Were you surprised by results. Happy quilting….Karen
Loved your article. My favorite time of year is fall also. I just hung up my pumpkin flag today as to bring in fall on Whidbey Island, WA. Thanks sis for all your help!