Greetings from the Northwest! Hi ladies, I thought I would let you know how we are doing since moving to Mt Vernon. Wa. Moving here has been quite the success story. I was very nervous when we bought our trailer sight unseen using the internet, email and phone. It turned out to be a great idea, and we have spent the last few months fixing it up. some of the fixes were a new roof and replacing every appliance except the fridge. Our trailer is only 700 sq ft – one bedroom, a closet bedroom and a bathroom.

At Christmas, I was attempting to sew some gifts on the kitchen table when I melted a plastic grocery bag on my iron. I had left it on all night, and the bag didn’t like that. The next day, I decided to remodel the 9.5′ x 9.5′ storage shed in our carport. It is almost done and very cozy. Right now it is still a work in progress.

Also, Jet the dog has been adapting to trailer life. He had to change his exercise space from the Shoshone desert to an excellent field about a block from us.

Even though Ray and I had an extraordinary life in Idaho for many years, our lives here are rich with our family. When I went to Manny and Nickolas games and sat in the stands,I knew I had made the right decision.

Now, I am on to new creative adventures and am in the process of putting together a YouTube channel. I will keep you posted when it goes live with the all the info. Then I can film my projects as they develope and hopefully you will check in regularly to see what I am doing now.

Love you guys, Karen