We had our first block of the month meeting yesterday and it was fun and interesting. Pat is in charge and she did a great job getting several ladies through their first block. The reason we are doing the Block of the Month is because a couple of my friends wanted to do one. I worked for about a month trying to find a pattern with different blocks in it. Nothing seemed appropriate for all levels of quilting abilities. So then I tried to create my own pattern. That didn’t go well at all so after many frustrating attempts to create 9 blocks the same size I decided to call Pat and ask her to bail me out. Of course she was thrilled and I just let her go with it. Pat and I had many meetings auditioning fabrics and blocks to get ready for the first month. She created the pattern for the sampler quilt and we will have it available to buy later on this year.
Pat taught the class and I baked zuchini bread, took pictures and helped when needed.
As you can see from the pictures everyone was intent on finishing their blocks that day. Good thing I had extra sewing machines because one of the students brought her machine and the power foot decided not to work. The block Pat picked out for the first class was the “Churn Dash” pretty easy for all levels of quilters. There was only a couple of things I would change before next months meeting. Better ironing stations and the power strips would be under the tables instead of on top. Other than that it turned out to be fun and informative day for our first block of month meeting.
When I set up the classroom last January I had no idea what type of classes would be held there. So yesterday was a good tester run in the space. One thing is for sure and that is you have to be adaptable when you are creating with a bunch of ladies. The best lesson I got was just watching how they were using the different work stations. How I can make things better for the participants. Everyone finished their block and you can see by the picture they are beautiful of course and all were pleased. Now back to my next art creation. Halloween is calling and I can see Christmas is on the fringes of my imagination…..but first I have to go home and make chili….