A couple of days ago I was out in my garden admiring my early morning glory that lives there. You know those last great flowers that keep blooming till first frost. And then mixed in with the new fall colors showing up around them. Sometimes the fall blooms are just as beautiful as the spring buds. One of the spent flowers which I am calling the hairy flower picture came out so great I think I will have it made into a wrapped canvas picture. I think it would look fantastic. Another one looked like popcorn with pepper on it.
My silver lace vine is blooming like crazy and I love this shot of the banner nicely cushioned in the vine.
There is one lonely chokcherry bush in my yard that is nine years old and doesn’t seem to grow much but this year it was loaded with chokcherries which was really cool.
Although there is several rose bushes in my yard only one has continued to bloom all summer and it is this great climbing rose. What a nice pop of color. I don’t know what you guys do in the fall but I don’t cut back my plants till the spring. It is wonderful to see the snow accumulate on all of the spent plants and of course the birds love the dried seeds. On another note this week has been a very creative one with a lot of stuff going on in the art studio. I am currently working on a 16×26 inch haunted house for the window display which I will write about at a later date and a snowman quilt that I started about three years ago.
The snowman quilt was actually started because I needed some hand work to do while visiting kids in Seattle and the bay area. Using wonder-under to attach the snowmen I then did a running stitch around the edges with embroidery floss. Then I used more threads and buttons to embellish each block.
As usual some of my designs happen as they go along and then they become something. Even though I got the idea for this quilt from a old Debbie Mum book changing it up was a lot more fun. The blocks came out different sizes and that was a little challenging setting them together. It is machined quilted with a medium meandering stich and then in the light blue strips I did running leaves.
I still need to attach a star to the top of the large tree in the top left hand corner and then’ it will be finished. It will be a nice addition to the snowman collection I put out at Christmas. Today I am working on another hand painted quilt and my goal is to have it all painted by the end of the day. It will be called “Every Quilters Dream”. The other art piece I am currently painting is called “Visit to Tuscany” which I actually found some border fabric that went with it perfectly. Will keep you posted about these works in progress. Happy Fall and enjoy those gorgeous colors!!!!