Well I am back from my trip to the bay area. For the most part the weather was great and I even got to wear my shorts for a few days. One of my grandsons wants to be a baker so he made this cake while I was at his house. One of the other grandsons wanted to go to the park everyday so I walked and he used his scooter.
I also got to hear another grandson sing a solo in his school musical. I loved spending time with my children there and of course the grandkids. I can’t believe my oldest grandson is turning 20 this summer. I remember when he was born and now he is driving me to Starbucks for coffee. I am so blessed to have special relationships with all of my grandkids and am thankful everyday to have them. One of things I like to do when I travel is work on my art goals. When I am away from the art studio and the art process it seems like these short breaks help me to remember my path so to speak and kind of fine tune where I want to be. Taking pictures of nature wherever I am lets me dream about future art projects without jumping right into them which is what I do when I am home.
After arriving home it was time to get ready for our local quilt guild meeting. That means creating the hat of the month and getting my agenda set. As you can see my hat this month turned out awesome. I have always wanted an Easter bonnet so that was the theme I went with. Many of my quilting buddies wanted to take it home with them, but like all the other guild hats it will hang in my art studio as a reminder of how wonderful it is to be part of this very creative group.
I hope you enjoy this picture of one of the quilters at our meeting that came prepared for anything. Apparently our meeting room was out of paper last month. I couldn’t resist taking a picture.
Quilters are always prepared for anything. All in all my trip was great but it is so nice to be home around all of my familiar things and of course my own bed…….