by Karen | Sep 14, 2016 | Current Project
We had our first block of the month meeting yesterday and it was fun and interesting. Pat is in charge and she did a great job getting several ladies through their first block. The reason we are doing the Block of the Month is because a couple of my friends wanted...
by Karen | Sep 12, 2016 | Current Project
I was asked to post my upcoming classes. So here is the September-October schedule. 9-13 BLOCK OF THE MONTH 11-1pm $15.00 for the first month and then $10 a month for 12 months. We will meet the second Tuesday of each month. 9-24 BEGINNING...
by Karen | Sep 12, 2016 | Current Project
First signs of Fall. Recently I was sitting in my easy chair at home looking out of the window towards the river. It was pretty breezy and some of the leaves were starting to drop from the sugar maple tree. When the trees start dropping their leaves our dog Newfy...
by Karen | Aug 30, 2016 | Current Project
Greetings from “Karen’s Place” downtown Shoshone. It’s been awhile since I posted but it has been worth it. My Art studio has grown to include a wonderful art gallery and gift shop. Then in July we added a new fabric room. Here is the tale...
by Karen | Mar 29, 2016 | Current Project
Wow what a great day to wake up to. The snow on the river is nothing less than spectacular. Here are some pictures I took this morning before heading for the art studio and you will notice one is of Newfy our dog who is in love with the snow. She will sit out there...