I thought it was appropriate to do my first post about “These are grains of our lives” project. It is part of the “Art & Soul Art Show” taking place in Twin Falls, Idaho on April 17th – May 2nd. This is the fifth year of the Art & Soul show. When you sign up and submit pictures of your art piece they find you a sponsor and a venue to display your work. They also advertise the show and produce a nice artwork catalogue were your work is displayed. This show runs for 16 days and the art can be seen at different businesses in the greater Twin Falls area. The artist responsibility is to prepare their work for displaying, produce a description to hang with the art and provide some sort of cards for people as they come to view your art work.
After they view your work then they vote on your piece. The artist who gets the most votes wins money. My entry is hanging at “Purity Spa Salon Boutique” on Addison Ave. My sponsors are Harry & Jan Brumbach of Twin Falls. It seems pretty simple and straight forward right? Well here is the rest of the story. I didn’t decide to enter into the show until February knowing that my piece was already finished and just needed a label on the back. After submitting the piece I realized that it conflicted with the Desert Sage Quilt show by one week. It was my intention to enter it in both shows so now I am scrambling as to what to put into the quilt show. Then it was time to find out who my sponsor or venue was from the art committee so as to get ready to display my piece. It took many calls and emails to get that figured out. Finally it was time to go to Purity Spa to meet the owner and make arranegments. This was two days before the Desert Sage Quilt show. While visiting with Purity’s owner Tonja she suggests that we have cards with our artist number written on the back to make it easier for people to recognize and vote for the art piece. No problem I can do that next week when the quilt show is over.
This was on a Thursday and on Saturday I fell off my front steps. Spraining my ankle and jamming my shoulder on the way to the quilt show. My husband took me to the emergency room to x-ray my injuries. Turns out just a bad sprain and a traumatized shoulder. Now it is Monday and time to do the last minute stuff for the art show and my computer crashes. On it was the two programs that I needed to make my cards and the description for the art piece. Needless to say it was stressful to the max. Thank goodness my husband helped me get his computer updated and was able to hang my piece at Purity’s with the right identification and a great post card to hand out. I was also able to attend the Art and Soul Gala last Friday night to meet with other artist participating in the show.
This Friday is Purity’s Spa’s open house for their artist to talk to patrons about their art pieces. I am one of three artist at the Purity venue. This whole adventure has taught me something important I think. Things happen and your best course of action is to go with the flow so to speak. It was very important to me to be able to follow through with both shows so when everything was falling apart I kept telling myself it will all work out in the end and it did. Enjoy the pictures here of “These are the grains of our lives” or better yet drop by Purity Spa and Boutique on Addison Ave and take at look at all the art there and then vote. Meantime I will be getting physical therapy for my shoulder and working on another project…..
Wow Karen, This work is so inspiring and the description of the road to get there was even more inspiring! Love you