Another creative year has just rolled in and I am so excited. You probably noticed that I haven’t been posting on this blog a lot lately and my only excuse is operator error. You know there isn’t enough time in an artists day to be fixing things on the computer so my web master got me straightened out. And that is why you got my Christmas post in January. A couple of weeks ago I started working on cloth dolls, bunnies and cats and you can see that they are in various stages of development.
Last night I put the hair and faces on the dolls and today maybe the clothes. But other things have to take precedence like cleaning up the classroom. I spent all day yesterday moving Christmas stuff to another location and reorganizing the gift shop. Two new vendors brought in handcrafted soap and lip balm and it is wonderful.
That meant figuring out how to display the products. My daughter helped me paint two of my bookshelves from dark brown to a soft creamy yellow color while she was here for Christmas and they turned out great. Now you can see the products for sale much better and it lightened up the whole area. S0 back to the classroom. When it is not in use I use that area for staging stuff or for assembling some of my art projects and here is what it looks like right now. My friend calls it artistic chaos.
The only problem is we are hopeing to have one of our make it and take it classes this Saturday and of course we will be using the classroom space.
This month Pat is teaching a paper pieced tree placemat on Saturday 14th so I better get busy. We are also offering two other classes one on Tuesday 17th “Fabric Painting 101” and “Personalized Canvas Tote” on Saturday 21st. It is exciting to be able to develop new classes and then work them into the calendar. Of course this month because of the weather some of our classes had to be moved around to other dates. Looks like the weather is looking up after today and will let you know what is coming up. As always keep creating…..