My Art Studio – 525 square feet of fun! It has been almost a week now since Karen’s Place has been on lock down. In that time I worked around the house, in the garden and just plain did nothing for a while. Now I am back in the art studio getting ready for a lot of creative stuff. It looks like like the epicenter for the earthquake last night was in the art studio. A lot of projects in different stages piled on sections of each table. This morning I hunted for about 15 minutes trying to find my newsletter sign in book to get the last few people connected to the newsletter group. It was on my desk all along. Lol! On Monday Pat and I had a meeting about how to stay connected to all our Karen’s Place quilting buddies. Here is one of the ideas we came up with. Cute kits that will certainly cheer you up and brighten your day. Sticking with the formula that we use in the classroom, kit pieces will be cut out and and will include a road map
to assemble them. Here is a picture of one the kits available now.
It is called “Life at the beach”. $22 for kit. Here is another one called “Birds Eye View” $35 for this kit.
There are three more on the design board at the moment and of course they are going to be lots of fun. Each kit will be mailed to you personally. I think the cost will be around $22 up to $45 depending on the project and will include postage. The new “2020 Block of the Month” is the works and will let you know how that is developing. Here is a picture of the colors that are featured this year.
Last but not least just wanted to share a picture of my own emergency kit here at the studio.
Plenty of my favorite beverage! Hope you are all at home safe and sound and being super creative. Would love pictures of what you are working on so I can share them with others….Karen