Sunday Creative Visions…..This morning I jumped out of bed thinking that it was going to be spring and guess what I found? Tiny snowflakes falling from the sky! Not believing that it was snowing I went out in my jammies and hunted for early spring greenery. There were a few tulips, daffodils, and crocuses making a brave attempt to push through the leaves.
Then I realized that my legs were freezing and I ran back into my nice warm house. Seems like this time of the year, my mind wants winter to disappear over night and spring has miraculously arrived the next morning. Kind of like my art creations. I have the picture of the finished piece with all it’s glorious colors in my mind yet the process to get there hasn’t taken root yet. No pun intended. So this morning I would like to share about how I get the initial idea of a design off the big screen of my imagination onto the creative path. Just like my garden it takes a lot of foundation work creating a good base to build up layers of of items to make the whole picture. I don’t know about you guys but I get the design picture first then I find the elements to create it. Most of the time I am working on several projects at once and as each creation grows it will fill in the gaps between each project. Recently at Karen’ Place we started a group called “Wearable Art” and I am gathering ideas and patterns so we can make items to be displayed at our quilt show in 2021.
I came upon a simple cape pattern and it will become my trial run piece to inspire this group. Of course my mind went crazy thinking how creative could I be on this garment.
Right now it appears that it will be nature theme using items from the forest. Deep moss greens that look like velvet. Browns to represent the damp forest floor.
Old trees that seem to have been living for 1000 years with their roots growing deep in the ground.
Lacey ferns at the base of those tree. Well you get the picture. I was envisioning the tree trunks coming down around a buck or maybe a bull elk and then the roots hanging from the bottom of the cape. This project will include a story board to keep me on track. A story board is a place you can put pictures, found things and a lot of stuff to help you create. I already know there will be some bark on the board and pieces of moss. Well my Hubby is calling because we are going on a picture trip for future projects.