The Big Bag Lady Bag series……First off here is a picture of some of the geraniums that I rescued from the front of Karen’s Place last fall. I love how the light creates the shadows in between the leaves and they are blooming like crazy right now. Mean while Big flower prints have been on my mind for quite a while now and last fall I ordered the first series of big flower prints. I could see them as fusible appliques or fantastic borders around my art work.
When they arrived their colors just blew my mind! Then we ordered the new line of Kaffe Faccett fabric to be delivered in February 2020. Meanwhile in January one of my friends brought her new bag in with all her sewing stuff piled inside including her 6″ x 24″ ruler and we all were gushing over the versatility of her bag and that it was big enough that you could put your whole life in it. Thus was born the “Big Bag Lady Bag” class.
I just had to show you some of the creations from our classes.
In this workshop you got to pick out your feature fabric, lining, handles and fabric for stabilizer in the bottom of your bag. It is always fascinating how each creation is developed and how it fits each artists personality.
We did suggest that you use a lighter fabric for the lining and a dark fabric for your inside just because it is easier to find things inside the bag. The bottom and handles will show less wear if they are a dark color. Class one went wild with these fantastic panel prints that come as yardage without the white line dividing them. All five bags came out a little bit different just because you had the opportunity to arrange your pattern to feature the parts you were in love with.
Anyway you can see how pretty they are. The second class met last Saturday and one of those ladies picked out their feature fabric from the Kaffe Facett line.
It inspired me to make yet another bag using his line.
I had already made a bag out of cow fabric and now am having a hard time choosing which one is my favorite!