Greetings fellow creators…..Since last fall Karen’s Place has been hopping with a lot of different classes each month. Creating ideas and then developing the samples and then simplifying them for teaching has kept me very busy lately. Posting on my blog was put on the back burner so to speak. Just this last week I found out that the Desert Sage Quilt show has been scheduled for June of 2021. I asked myself what can I do to help make this the best show ever? It came to me that our group of painted ladies have been painting blocks for 2 1/2 years and for the most part their beautiful blocks haven’t been assembled into any finished project. So I called Elaine Quinn and asked if she would help me challenge them to finish a project measuring approx 24″ x 24″ to be displayed in the 2021 quilt show. She was thrilled and we will start the planning stages at our March 7th painting day. I can’t wait to see what we come up with. On another note, Stephanie Van Diest went to the “Road to California” quilt show for the umpteenth time and posted pictures of their wearable art display. It was fantastic! Both Stephanie and I have a real passion for wearable art.
Anyway I was talking to Gerri Byrne at the felted bird class yesterday and asked if she was interested in making wearable art for our upcoming quilt show. Her answer was absolutely “Yes”. This led me thinking about doing a series of classes about wearable art from start to finish.
In my extensive library here at home is a collection of wearable art books from just about every decade since the 60’s when we broke the molds of appropriate dress wear to anything goes including cut outs that barely covered our important body parts. These classes will include finding a pattern that can be used for wearable art and then fitting that pattern. Mapping out your design on the pattern, creating and then assembling. I believe good fit and proper materials will make all the difference to your finished project. In my past life I was a tailor and had the privilege of making custom clothing. Fitting patterns is one of my specialties. If you don’t know what pattern to use I have several in my stash that I have collected through the years.
I think this will help you get started right from the beginning. Oh by the way did you know Sherri Wills is a gifted clothing maker too? Maybe we could get her to join our group. So as you can see a lot of exciting things are going on in our wonderfully creative journey. I will keep you posted with updates as we progress. If you would like to be part of either display please let me know and I will put you on the list here at Karen’s Place.