Girls trip and something new to create….When I was in Boise with my daughter we stayed in a air bnb which is short for rent someones house for two days instead of stay in a hotel. It was in old town Boise and this place was clean and comfy. We decided ahead of time that we would skip going out to dinner and order take out with delivery as much as possible. The rest of the time we shopped at Albertson’s for our fill in food. Of course we had to have Indian food the first night and it was awesome. During one of the Albertson’s trips there was a kiosk of stuffed animals with the cutest lambs and flamingos. I took pictures and thought what a great idea for the gift shop and of course future gifts for some of the grand kids. All of my grand kids are addicted to stuff animals. Usually there are so many on their beds that they barely have room to sleep. We have three moose animals on our guest room bed that they fight over when they are here. In June, while in Seattle, I slept in our four year old Lily’s bed. It was tricky to find a space to actually lay down amongst the furry critters. So now I am on the hunt for materials to make these stuffed animals. I shopped online for soft cuddly fabric and most of it wasn’t appropriate and besides it is one of those things you have to touch to know its right. So yesterday morning I decided to try the Ross’s store in Twin Falls maybe there is a children’s blanket or something that would do the trick.
I hit pay dirt when I came across some awesome sherpa throws in white and coral pink. They are 50″ x 60″.
So soft you can’t wait to wrap yourself up in them. Each throw was around $10 and the white one is double sided. That works out to be around $6.50 a yard for the coral one and $3.25 a yard for the white one. What a buy! I stopped at Michael’s and used my Joann’s 50 % off coupon and got a bag of batting for less then three dollars. Can’t wait to develop the pattern. Funny how involved just finding the materials for my next creative adventure can be because for me it is the thrill of the hunt. Also I would like to share a picture of a doll my mom made for all her granddaughters when they were about five or so.
She bought the ceramic mold and had my dad pour them for her then she painted and dressed them. This doll was for my daughter Julie’s and the dress was made from yellow lace material I had used for the lining of her bassinet. Julie is now 39. Check out the back of the doll! Each one she made was addressed to each granddaughter with the date and her “Twins Doll Company”name.
This was my mom and her twin sister Jackie’s little business. They called this doll “The Evalyna Doll” after their mother. I have been storing this for 20 years and Julie is taking it home to her house tonight. What a memory! K