The first saturday of the month is our “Painted Ladies” group class. They have been painting for almost three years on their regular day. When they first started they were pretty nervous but excited about learning the fabric painting process. I am so proud of how they have improved in their art journey. Today was one of the hardest designs so far and they started painting with gusto and created their own individual art block. The original design was suggested by Elaine Quinn. So here is how the process went. Elaine emailed me her picture which I printed out in color and then black and white. I then drew off a simplified version and made this line drawing. The original picture had way to much going on in the middle and needed to be decluttered.
After that I transferred it to the fabric with my light box. I do all of this ahead of time so when the students get to the art studio all they have to do is paint their block.
This art design was a more difficult one because it is basically shades of peach in the background a little yellow and then the dark trees. If you get your background too dark to start with the trees won’t be dramatic enough. I had them paint the background which used alot of different shades of paint.
First thing we found out is that the peach color was based on a pink base with a little yellow and white mixed in.
We tried to make peach with orange and yellow and it made everything look too orange. Here are some shots of the different backgrounds and you will notice that Norma went her own direction
and it came out fabulous.
Rhaema got far enough along and started painting in the trees and fence. Elaines ground came out an awesome shade of mauve that perfectly complemented her sky. Sharon’s sky was more orange. Here is a shot of their designs before they left today. They came out fantastic. I think they were all pleased with the results. I want to make a shout out to Kathleen and Sharon who couldn’t make it today. We missed you both.