This sure has been a busy week at the art studio! Last Tuesday at the Block of the month class Pat picked up my large wall hanging for the “Days Gone By” display at the Desert Sage Quilt show. The quilt show is on April 12th and 13th at the Twin Falls County Fair Grounds. This year I submitted four art quilts. Two of them are pictured here. “Tide Pool Revelation” and “Expectantly Waiting”. The third quilt was named “Where have all the Farmlands Gone” and the fourth is based on letter “T” which is also in a special display. The letter T quilt was a challenge for me because it had some rules and as you already know I don’t go by the rules very often. Then on Thursday I met some wonderful people at the Twin Falls County Building (the old hospital) to hang my entry for the 2019 Art N Soul contest. What a great venue for my art work! There are going to be several pieces displayed there including a giant bear and a quilt that is quilted everywhere. I was amazed when I realized that this will be my fifth year to enter an art piece. Where has the time gone? My art quilt on display is called “The Power of Women”.
Art N Soul will start on April 12th and run through the 27th. Please go by and check out my entree. On another note you have probably noticed that we streamed down our classes for March and April here at the shop. Pat and I needed a break to get ready for these two shows. As it turned out it was a shot in the arm for my creative flow. In May we will be back to our regular schedule offering different classes every week or so. Lastly here are a couple photos of when you know spring is really here…..Karen