This has been a busy week at the art studio! I thought I would show you a few of the projects that were on my to do list. By the way while driving home from the shop this afternoon my car temp registered 101 degrees and when I got home my outdoor thermometer read 80 degrees. Here is a picture of one of my daisies wilting in the heat.
Thank goodness we live by the river which is at least 10 degrees cooler in the summertime.
I am still working on my class samples for the next three months. Was happy to finish the “Home for the Holidays” sample and loved how it turned out. This class will feature a hand painted block included in the kit. On Saturday our painted ladies came to paint and while they were creating I was able to get the holiday blocks drawn and ready to paint for the “home for the holiday” kits.
On another note one of my new years resolutions is getting rid the little things that irritate me during the creative process. One of them was a cover for my new quilting machine. I had a piece of toile fabric draped over to protect it from dust but every time I removed it the thread would catch and get tangled. Okay it was time to make a cover with the toile and I love how it came out. I quilted it to some batting to help it hold its shape.
I also worked up a baby quilt idea for my daughters best friend who just had her first baby. It’s focus is butterflies but I couldn’t help myself I had to add, ladybugs, dragonflies and probably a bumblebee or two. Will keep you posted on that one. New in the shop this week are some darling fairy houses for sale. Our new vendor lives in Jerome. She is 84 years young and so excited to be able to create and sell her art.
Now just to keep you in the summertime mood here is a picture of one of my new wallhanging’s called “What a View” don’t you just want to be there? The breeze in your face and sand in your toes….
As you know we are in the throws of Row By Row and will be assembling the patterns and kits over and over again till September. Here are some of the kits ready to sell for this week.
Now that I look at it, it really was a busy week at the art studio! Wow……