November Notes-Just checking in. You have probably noticed my lack of posts for November. Well, it has been for good reason. When I switched to my new computer, the one on steroids, some of my programs didn’t like their new home. The main one was my adobe photoshop. Turns out you can only download it so many times. I tried using the photos program that came pre-installed. It was okay but very cumbersome compared to adobe photoshop. The new adobe was going to cost $99 so I just made do with what I had. On an off chance, I looked for it on amazon on black Friday and purchased Adobe 2023 for just $59.00. Now I am back to my computer happy place.

Pictured above is a picture of my table by the front door with its fall decorations. That metal door stop house in front of the metal water can is about 40 years old. But alas it is now time to switch to red and green.

Meanwhile, while I was taking a picture of the sunflowers, a nice flock of geese flew over. I love living by the river. They are probably on their way to Hagerman.

New announcement I changed the name of my Etsy site. “It’sAtTheEmporium” is my new designation. My sister and I decided to convert it to my artwork only and it is exciting to fill up the site with my creations. In my past creative life, I sculpted a lot of stuff with Sculpey clay. Old world Santas, angels etc. Now I am exploring using air dry clay. Here is a picture of some of the ornaments that will eventually be for sale on my Etsy site.

Christmas Ornaments
Hearts for valentines day

My goal is to make them appear to have architectural texture. What do you think? Having so much fun creating the texture. It is such an experiment coming up with the finishes. Thank goodness for You-Tube.

Well, that is all for now, and would like to wish everyone a “Happy Thanksgiving”.